Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Technological Uses for GPS Tracking Abound

(My Original Blog Post:
If awards were handed out for the best use of technology in the field of electronics, GPS would be at or near the top of the list.  Medical uses would probably be at the top, but certainly GPS Tracking would be a close second.

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Think of all of the ways that GPS Tracking is helping to improve and order our world.  We are speaking about the ability to be able to track automobiles, construction equipment, boats, airplanes, and about any other kind of motorized passenger or utility vehicle that you can imagine.  And it does not stop there.  The tracking of cargo and freight around the world is also becoming more common.

Practical Applications

By purchasing and placing a GPS Tracking unit in your vehicle, you can collect information about the location and usage of any vehicle in real-time.  This means that you can track location, distance, direction, speed and other information which is relevant to your vehicle.

Information Uses

The ability to capture this information is valuable in several areas of our society.  There is a need to be more and more concerned about issues surrounding the production of evidence for contractual compliance as well as maintaining operations within legal limitations.  Being able to supply this information at a moment’s notice will not only help prevent thefts and accidents, but will also provide court-admissible proof of the meeting of obligations.

Verification of Actions

The applications are almost limitless.  The main component is need followed by verification.  If a business has a fleet of vehicles that it has to maintain, then a GPS Tracking system would be invaluable as a way to maintain control over the intricate details of how a vehicle is being utilized.  Heavy construction equipment can be tracked in case it is stolen.  School buses can be monitored for driver performance and law compliance.

Benefits Abound

We live in safer communities, and enjoy lower insurance premiums with GPS Tracking.  In business customer satisfaction is increased.  Also, employees are held accountable and performance is raised.  Public assets are better monitored and tracked for usage.  And, theft of items is tracked and recovery and prosecution of thieves is much easier and less time-consuming.

Everyone wins when a GPS Tracking system is used.  And, the cost is small when compared to the liability that exists without one.  Try one and experience the benefits for yourself.

New Boy Scout Merit Badges Include Geocaching

(My Original Blog Post:
Geocaching has provided a fun way to amuse and challenge those who use it.  Specific groups of people who travel and have a common interest (for example, RV owners or motorcycle enthusiasts) are use geocaching for fun.  But, anyone with a GPS navigation device can get in on the ‘game.’

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Now, the Boy Scouts are offering a new merit badge that includes geocaching.  And, for good reason; it promotes many of their goals and fits in nicely with other scouting activities.

Here is a list of things that will be promoted by the scouts with geocaching:

Promote safety while searching for geocaches.

Enforcing the principle of Leave No Trace while promoting geocaching etiquette.

Learning and understanding geocaching terms.

Learning and understanding how GPS Tracking technology works.

The proper steps for discovering and logging a cache.

Learning how to use (the official home of geocaching).

In addition to this, scouts will create and hide their own geocaches.  This will allow other scouts and even the general public to benefit from their activities.

How it works:

Geocaching provides a way for people to use GPS navigation devices in their vehicles to play the old game of ‘scavenger hunting’ in a new and exciting way.  Since this game has been on-going for several years now, there are plenty of hidden caches that can be discovered.

Obtain a GPS navigation device.  You need to buy a navigation device in order to be able to find caches.  Could you do this on the Internet and then print out maps?  Yes, you can, but once you are out trying to find the cache, you have no way of clarifying your search.

Go to the website mentioned above and create an account.  Once you are a member, you can begin to search for caches in your area.  Or, if you prefer not to sign up, you can find caches by inputting your zip code.

Then, enter the coordinates in your GPS navigation unit and go have fun!  Once you find a cache, you can take something out of it as long as you replace it with something of equal or greater value.

When you return from your ‘hunt’ you can sign onto the geocaching website and log your experience.

The educational value must not be overlooked here.  Many caches include information about the area in which they are hidden which encourages people to discover more about the places in which they play.

Geocaching is not only fun, it provides a way for people to use their time wisely compared to sitting in front of a television.  And that is a value all its own.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Lost Elephants? High Tech GPS Aids Researcher

(My Original Blog Post:
by James Neely

Wildlife monitoring has been an accomplishment of those who love animals and are concerned not only for their well-being, but also in helping enforce laws that protect them.

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Iain Douglas-Hamilton knows firsthand about the struggle to keep wildlife safe.  First, he loves elephants.  And because of that love, he is dedicated to help protect them from poaching and the gathering of tusks illegally as well as helping to find ways to encourage the species to thrive in its own habitat.

Over 20 years ago a worldwide ban was imposed on harvesting and selling ivory.  This slowed the slaughter of African elephants to a trickle.

But with the global economy in a mess, demand has reappeared evidenced by resurgence in illegal activities that are threatening elephant populations around the world.

Iain has gathered much information on Elephants and their habits and habitats.  So much so that he founded an organization called Save the Elephants and has won a prize for conservation which includes a $100,000 award from the 2010 Indianapolis (Indiana) Prize for conservation.  This represents the largest gift of its kind in the world.

The gathering of information has been a slow and steady progress and has involved the use of GPS Tracking technology.  Elephants have been outfitted with large tracking collars that allows Iain and his staff to monitor their movements.  Now they can watch a herd from a distance (over the Internet) and study their movements.

“Elephants vote with their feet,” says Douglas-Hamilton.  “They go to places they feel safe.”

When the movement patterns change, Iain looks for poaching activities.  Also, other environmental activities can play a part in the movement of herds. For example, floods and wildfires force movement to safer grounds.

With the GPS Tracking devices attached, observers can watch for movements of herds and they can also set geo-fences so that if the herd breaks a boundary, alerts will be set off so that monitors can be made aware.

It’s an on-going project and one that joins with many others around the world to protect wildlife by providing a watchful eye from afar.  Poaching activities will be strongest where the profits are the greatest.  Ivory is very expensive and brings a high price on the black market.  But, the impact of GPS Tracking nevertheless helps keep the activity from running out of control.

Local authorities and governments may not have the ability to monitor for illegal activities, but that’s where people like Iain come into play.  Their tireless work and assistance to help keep wildlife safe is of great benefit to all of us.

Our U.S. Military Depends on GPS for Equipment Tracking

(My Original Blog Post:
by Harriette Halepis

Source acquired via Associated Press, June 4, 2010, Denver, Colorado – Last week, 10,000 GPS receivers that the U.S. military relies upon stopped working. More than 100 armoured vehicles, aircraft carriers, ships, and other types of defense systems use GPS Tracking technology. When the power went out the United States Air Force was left scrambling.

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John Pike, director of, related to press just how serious the situation was. When it comes to the U.S. military, “…everything that moves…” moves with the help of GPS technology. In fact, GPS technology “…is so central to the American style of war that you just couldn’t leave home without it.” When questioned by members of the press, a spokesperson for the military stated that the military as a whole is “…extremely confident in the safety and security of the GPS system from enemy attack.”

This statement was made based upon the fact that learning how to cripple the GPS technology that the U.S. military relies upon could also cripple the military itself – something that many U.S. enemies would love to accomplish. During the 2003 Iraqi invasion, a device was used to jam the GPS technology that the U.S military uses. In order to dislodge this device, the military used a GPS-guided bomb to eliminate the device.

A spokesperson for the U.S military went on to tell press that human error was the military’s main concern when it comes to GPS technology. By entering the wrong coordinates, soldiers and missiles alike can be sent to incorrect areas -- a blunder that has happened once or twice. While there’s no doubt that human error can occur, many are still sceptical as to the reliability of the GPS technology that the military currently uses.

As was made evident this past month, the military is essentially motionless unless all GPS systems are functioning. Still, the military assures the general public that “since GPS’ inception, there has never been a breach of GPS.” The glitch that occurred last week took military experts nearly two weeks to fix, thought the exact problem has not yet been determined. More information regarding the incident is expected to surface within the next few months.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Stolen Vehicle? Relax ? You Have a GPS Tracking Device!

(My Original Blog Post:
By Greg Bartlett

Thousands of vehicles are stolen each year, and only a handful of them are recovered. Many people are left with a stressful problem when their vehicle is stolen. Vehicular theft is a growing problem in many areas, and people are unaware of this problem, or they think that they are immune to this problem. Vehicles are commonly stolen, and they can be very difficult to locate. This epidemic is getting solved through vehicle recovery systems that allow vehicle owners to track their vehicle using state of the art GPS tracking technologies.

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People love gps tracking technology, and some of the people that use it have testified that it has helped them recover their car when it was stolen. This technology uses satellites to find the position of your car, and can help pinpoint the location of your car to within just a few feet. With the help of gps satellite tracking, police can solve missing vehicles and criminals much faster.

Cars are stolen on a regular basis, and most people are left filling out paperwork with insurance companies for the cost of their missing vehicle. People that have vehicle recovery technology can use it to make this process quick and relatively painless. Many people fear this dreadful crime, but most believe that they are immune. Car thieves regularly steal high ticket cars that are very expensive, and this type of GPS tracking can save car owners time, money, and a large amount of stress.

GPS tracking has assisted people in recovering their vehicles within hours of losing them. This technology can help people that are in a tough situation, and being able to locate their asset quickly gives them peace of mind, and they would agree that this new and expanding technology is well worth it.

GPS Trackers Assist Wild Horse Researchers

(My Original Blog Post:
by Greg Bartlett

If you were around in the late 1990’s you will most likely be pretty familiar with the movie The Man from Snowy River.  It was popular because it featured a love story set in the breathtaking Australian outback.  Although some women might disagree, Jim Craig (the hero of the movie) was not the true star of the movie; the true heroes were the beautiful wild horses known as the Brumbies.  They were wildly beautiful, and the fact that they couldn’t be tamed made them just that more intriguing.  The movie was such as success that there was a sequel, Return to Snowy River, just a few years later.

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Regardless of the successes of the movies, the fame for the Brumbies was growing.  It was growing so much, in fact, that scientists in Australia and other countries were very interested in studying these beautiful horses more closely.  Some of these scientists decided that they would like to take the research to the next level.  They began a process of outfitting these Brumbies with GPS trackers.

There are three basic types of GPS trackers:  data loggers, data pushers, and data pullers.  Data loggers are also known as passive GPS trackers.  This is because these trackers are not intended to give the exact location of a vehicle or asset at a certain time.  Data loggers are only intended to record, or “log,” the travel patterns of the person, vehicle, or asset that is carrying the tracker.  Data pushers and pullers are real time GPS trackers.  This means that they record and send out the exact location of the vehicle or asset in real time.  The data pusher sends (or pushes) the tracker’s location intermittently every few minutes.  The data puller also sends out the location every few minutes, but you can also “pull up” the location on demand whenever you need it.  The real time GPS trackers are very helpful when following an employee, a teenage driver, or even a suspected criminal.

These types are not necessary when tracking the Brumbies.  The scientists are only interested in the migration and living habits of the Brumbies; they don’t really care to locate them within the Australian wilderness.  Because of this, data loggers are the best choice.  Because they are wild horses, outfitting the Brumbies with the devices takes some doing!  They horses are tranquilized for less than 3 minutes, and they are fitted with a GPS tracker collar.  So far, the trackers have given the scientists amazing information to assist with their research.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

GPS: The New German Shepherd

(My Original Blog Post:
By Greg Bartlett

For years police officers and officers from the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) have been using a variety of tactics to track down drugs and drug dealers.  One of the most commonly recognized “tactic” is the intelligent German Shepherd dog.  You have probably seen officers walking their dogs and allowing them to sniff around to locate drugs on a person or in a container.  Law enforcement officers are now taking a new approach.

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Many of these officers are using GPS tracking devices to find drugs and drug dealers.  There was a recent report of a well-known attorney that was suspected of dealing drugs.  However, because of his high profile within polite society, it was nearly impossible to apprehend him with enough evidence to accuse him of the crime.  Police in his area turned to using GPS tracking devices.  At this point, law enforcement officers do not need a warrant or police order to install a tracker on an asset or a vehicle.

In this case, the officers placed a tracker on the attorney’s car, and they tracked his car’s activity for about a month.  Eventually, as police monitored the car, they were able to catch the attorney in the middle of a drug deal.  He was arrested and prosecuted.  Because of the accuracy of the GPS tracking device, one more drug dealer is off the streets.

GPS tracking devices use the satellites in space to help them receive and transmit information as to the exact location and travel patterns of the vehicle or asset that is currently carrying the tracker.  The tracker is placed on the car or asset, and it transmits information to the satellite, the satellite receives that information and sends it to the receiver, which is any web-enabled device such as a cell phone or a computer.

There are three different kinds of GPS tracking devices:  data loggers, data pushers, and data pullers.  Data loggers are also known as passive trackers; they simply record, or log, information on the device.  The information can be retrieved later using the USB port on the end of the device.  Data pushers and pullers are real time trackers; they can send (push) the car’s location intermittently, or you can pull (request) the car’s location at whatever point you wish to see it.

In the case of the drug-dealing attorney, the law enforcement officers placed the real time GPS tracking device on his car, and they could easily have tracked his travel patterns and location on a laptop inside their patrol cars.

5 common uses of GPS tracking

(My Original Blog Post:
by Greg Bartlett

GPS tracking devices are extremely helpful to both families and businesses. Some first-time GPS shoppers may not understand what all can be done with this exciting technology, so here are 5 common ways that GPS trackers are used by today’s businesses and consumers.

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Protecting your family

GPS tracking can be used to track those who are most important to you: your spouse and kids. This can be done either through cell phone trackers, or dedicated devices that can be placed on your family members. These devices, like most GPS trackers, almost always come with software or access to a secure website that allows you to see where your family members are.

Preventing car theft

GPS car trackers can be easily placed in a discreet place in your vehicle so that you can always keep track of where it is located using the tracker’s software. Many of these devices allow you to hook the tracker up to the car’s battery, so that the tracker never needs recharging. These devices have already resulted in the quick recovery of many stolen vehicles, as the police can use the tracking signal to find the vehicle’s location soon after it is reported to them.

Encourage safe driving

GPS car trackers can also be used to help teen drivers practice safe driving skills. Devices that are created for this purpose not only track the location of vehicle, but can also track the speed, and sometimes the acceleration of the vehicle. Some devices even contain a “speed cap” that will not allow the car to go faster than a speed that parents set. Since teens driving GPS tracked cars know that their driving is being watched by their parents, studies show that they often drive much safer and have fewer accidents than untracked cars.

Increasing worker productivity

In the business world, countless billions of dollars are lost every year to lost productivity. Lost productivity can be especially high with workers who travel to off-site locations to do work. They can use company vehicles for personal use, get lost on the way to jobs, and otherwise waste precious company time. GPS tracking can be used to keep these workers accountable, much like it is used to track teenage drivers. Workers who know their bosses are watching them often work better than they would otherwise, as studies repeatedly show.

Company asset protection

GPS tracking devices can also be discreetly placed on larger or transportable company assets, such as company vehicles, construction equipment, laptop computers, etc. These items often represent thousands of dollars of company money. Company laptops, of course, can contain priceless company information, records, and industry secrets that are so valuable that a company must recover them or risk the information falling into the wrong hands.

GPS tracking is a solution to many problems faced by the modern company and family, and is well worth looking into to meet these needs.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Attacking Domestic Violence

(My Original Blog Post:
New CT Bill Aims To Keep Victims Safe

With one stroke of the pen, Governor M. Jodi Rell signed in a new law that would hopefully reduce domestic violence in Connecticut with the use of GPS tracking system technology. In response to her actions, Rell explained the pain and damage caused from domestic violence, and how it was necessary for additional appropriate steps to be made to help eliminate or at lest reduce the problem.

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After a number of high profile domestic violence stories began making headlines in the West Haven and Fairfield regions earlier this year, many people in Connecticut began asking lawmakers to step-up with new and better legislation aimed specifically at the problem of domestic violence. One of those incidents involved a man who shot his wife multiple times before turning the gun on himself.  The man, Selami Ozdemir, had a history of domestic violence.

The new legislation attacks the problem of domestic violence in a variety of ways. First, the bill begins with education and teaching teenagers the dangers and warning signs surrounding domestic violence. The next step would involve the actions of a task force designed specifically to target the issue, discovering what are the triggers, causes and best ways to help victims who feel helpless in their most desperate of moments.

GPS tracking systems will also be used to monitor the movements of habitual or high-risk offenders. These people could be classified as individuals with a prior record of abuse, or who violate restraining orders. In response to a question regarding the bill, Gerald Fox explained that the tools provided by the government and legal system to help reduce domestic violence must be strengthened in order to greatly reduce the problem.

GPS monitoring units equipped to the domestic violence offenders will transmit the location of a person, vehicle or asset in real-time. It is a tool that many states have implemented to strengthen their efforts in protecting their community. GPS tracking keeps abusers accountable and retrievable at a moments notice.

Hopefully, the new legislation will usher in a new era of reduced domestic violence in the state of Connecticut and other states will follow this high-tech trend.

Ryan Horban is a guest author who specializes in writing about GPS technology and monitoring devices for Tracking System Direct.

Friday, June 25, 2010

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Thursday, June 24, 2010

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Wednesday, June 23, 2010

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Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Published a new post: Truth in GPS – Your Discreet Private Eye
Published a new post: Teen Tracking is Easy and Keeps them Accountable

Monday, June 21, 2010

Published a new post: GPS Tracking Watch Protects Children
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Monday, June 14, 2010

Published a new post: “Old School” Tactics Prevent New-Tech Theft
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Sunday, June 6, 2010

Published a new post: Lindsay Lohan’s Latest Fashion Accessory

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Published a new post: Airlines Required to Install New GPS Technology
Published a new post: GPS Tracking is Technology to Build Your Business Around

Friday, June 4, 2010

Published a new post: GPS Tracking is Technology to Build Your Business Around
Published a new post: Are GPS Systems Vulnerable?

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Published a new post: GPS Tracking Devices Play Detective
Published a new post: More Companies Using GPS Tracking Globally

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Published a new post: Protecting Kids With Technology
Published a new post: GPS Tracker Saves Lives in Hospitals

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Published a new post: Coroner Pushes for Aircraft Equipped with GPS