Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Worry Less with GPS: Elderly Tracking is Needed

(My Original Blog Post:
Do you get nervous when your parents venture out on a trip in their car by themselves? It’s a common occurrence for retired parents to pack up and leave for a vacation, but it can be disconcerting for family members that cannot reach them by a land line phone - like usual. Why? Here are some reasons.

Busy Highways

Our nation’s interstate system is full of traffic. Have you been on it lately? Have you seen the speeds at which people are traveling? It is really no place for those who might not be up to the challenge of driving in that kind of stressful conditions? You should be concerned for your parents welfare, just like they did for you when you were younger. Go on a drive with your parents to make sure that their reaction times have not slowed significantly to degrade their ability to take evasive actions if necessary when they are driving.

Dangerous People

There are dangerous people on our roadways these days. Bands of roving thieves are looking for cargo that they can steal from trailers. Sometimes they steal the trailers – rigs and all. Your parents probably could never imagine these types of incidents occurring and they are sharing the roads with all kinds of people (ready to give you a hand signal to show their "feelings"). If Mom and Dad are driving to slowly they could enrage another driver. Heaven forbid that they become entangled in an incident on the roads involving any of these shady characters. Keeping track of them and making them aware of these things is a good safety precaution.

Health Concerns

How are your parents doing physically? Are they up to the hours and hours of sitting behind the wheel of a car, or in the passengers seats? Do they take medication that can reduce their motor skills that are needed to drive on today’s busy streets and roads? Do not overlook this important factor when considering the care of your parents as they travel about.

These are but a few of the concerns. But there is a way that you can help provide a measure of safety and security if you are not able to dissuade them from going: get a GPS Tracking device for their vehicle.

A GPS Tracking unit properly attached will provide you with a method of being able to keep track of your parents. Sure, you can use cell phones, too, but keep in mind that cell phone batteries have a tendency to go dead and with busy schedules on vacation, who knows if they will remember to charge them up in a timely fashion. Will they remember to even have the phone with them during travel? Having a gps tracking device hard wired to their car battery is the best way to track your elderly parents. Don't rely on faulty cell towers, turned off phones and dead cell batteries.

GPS Tracking is the perfect backup for knowing where your parents are and being able to track their progress on a trip. By monitoring the GPS Tracking device movements on a PC, you can see where they are, which direction they are headed and even the speed that they are going. Just knowing they are ok is worth the price of one of these devices. Keep track of your parents as they travel. They might resent it at first, with all of the stories that are reported in the news these days, you just cannot be too safe. GPS Tracking provides you a way to breathe easier and keep them safe.

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