Motor vehicle theft happens every day and not only is it a nuisance, messing up your daily schedule and causing much hassle, but it also could run into a bit of money and time, depending upon how well the car is insured and how high the deductible. There is a solution to this common problem and it comes in the form of a GPS tracking device. They come in a variety of sizes such as handheld or small and magnetic to be unobtrusively attached to an object or placed in a suitcase.
A GPS tracking device uses the Global Positioning System, a constellation of twenty-seven satellites orbiting the Earth and maintained by the U.S. Military, to determine the coordinates of a receiver on earth. The way the GPS receiver works is to locate four or more satellites, calculate distance to each, and then figure its own location based on that information.
In a recent case, Mississippi State Senator Terry Burton’s Impala was stolen. When he realized what had happened, he contacted On-Star so that they could activate the GPS unit in his car. They verified the theft with police and then provided officers with the exact location of the vehicle. It was quickly recovered with no damage or loss to the senator. The usual course of events would have been that the car ended up in a chop shop, parts shipped out to various locations, abandoned somewhere or even purchased by someone else who had no knowledge of its history. Because GPS is built into many newer car models, the police are given a huge advantage in making a quick recovery and thereby minimizing possible damage to the vehicle.
There are many advantages to having a GPS tracking device in your personal vehicle. Aside from the obvious navigational reasons, insurance companies love them and will give you better rates accordingly. They not only considerably raise the odds of recovering your stolen vehicle which insurance companies always like, but they allow your driving to be monitored for safety purposes. If you’re a good driver, you’ll have more proof than just your word and the fact that you’ve managed to avoid speeding tickets. So, while your primary purpose for installing a GPS  may be to thwart a thief, it will prove beneficial in many other ways.
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