Theft of equipment from construction sites is occurring at an alarming rate. So much so, that construction firms have embraced the use of GPS Tracking devices to help them recover expensive equipment quickly.
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The poor economy is partly to blame for the rise in incidents of theft. But beyond that is the fact that there are more opportunists out there that are looking for ways to make a quick dollar – even on larger expensive items. GPS Tracking systems are playing a large part in helping to solve these incidents. Here are the ways that they are helping.
Web-based Locate is Accurate and Efficient
With a device attached to an asset, the location can be viewed on a computer screen at any time (as long as it is a device that is on all of the time, an active system, and can be tracked in real-time.) This alone is a good feature, but there is one better: geo-fencing. With this feature enabled, you can get a text alert or email message if your asset is moved outside of a boundary that you set on a map on your computer. Since early morning thefts are common, these boundaries protect your assets while you sleep.  Stealth and quickness are the two biggest advantages of using these devices. Getting your equipment back fast helps you to keep your business running and will ultimately result in less damage to the asset.
Manage Multiple Assets with the Click of your Mouse
If you are a large contractor, then you are more vulnerable than smaller ones. The more pieces of equipment that you are required to watch and maintain, the more chances that theft can and will occur just by sheer numbers. Now you can manage all of your equipment from one computer. Perform a simple inventory in minutes. Know where your equipment is and who should be using it by location.
Many Types: Battery, Hard Wired, Magnetized Installations
If the equipment is big enough, it can be tracked. Many tracking devices have batteries that can run for days between charges. Others can use existing 12 volt systems to keep them under power (and use the internal battery as a backup). Vehicles are the most popular items to track but also heavy duty equipment like tractors, graders, bulldozers, skid loaders, etc, can all be outfitted with a device. And, since these devices are relatively inexpensive compared to the price of the item, it is worth the time and trouble to protect it. The problems theft brings can slow down the whole project and put you thousands of dollars behind schedule!
Reducing Theft Risk Reduces Your Insurance Premiums
Risk reduction is important to insurance companies and with GPS Tracking devices, they can achieve that goal better than ever right now. So, chances are high that your insurance premiums will go down as a direct result of implementing these units on your equipment. Making the decision to outfit your entire fleet of assets with GPS Tracking devices is one that you will not regret. Knowing expensive asset locations helps manage projects, keeps insurance companies happy and keeps thieves away. GPS Tracking plays a large role in protecting construction sites. Smart firms embrace Gps technology and are proactive against thieves!
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