Sailors know the benefits that come from using a GPS tracking device with electronic charting for efficient and accurate navigating. Using a GPS in tandem with electronic charting gives you the benefit of preplanned routes. A laptop allows you to view exact real time positions on charts. An added benefit is the ability to link a GPS to your autopilot to provide corrections so that it will head directly toward a waypoint. GPS track logs will give you information to sail back the same route you came, as well as let you mark good routes, name favorite routes and give waypoints for reference. In the event of a man overboard, activation of the MOB button will give the exact position to guide you back which is crucial if visual contact is lost. GPS tracking devices allow you to set anchor drag alarms to ensure that you are alerted if drifting.
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A GPS tracking device uses the Global Positioning System, a space based navigation system that provides reliable location and time information for anywhere on earth. It is maintained by the United States government and is free for anyone’s use.
A recent example of the advantage of having a GPS tracking system onboard a boat is the case of Abby Sunderland, the American teen who was trying to sail non-stop around the world. As we now know, she did not achieve that goal and is probably lucky to be alive. She owes much to the GPS systems which transmitted her exact location to rescuers searching for her. Her boat lost its sail, leaving her at the mercy of a particularly dangerous and remote part of the Indian Ocean. Because her exact location was known, an airplane was sent since she was 400 miles from the nearest ship. The speed of her recovery may have played a part in the success of the rescue.
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GPS tracking devices offer an invaluable tool to sailors, particularly those in remote or dangerous areas, but even the recreational sailor can benefit from the electronic charting or linking to an autopilot. The man overboard (MOB) feature could certainly be a lifesaver and drag alarms will ensure that you rest better not worrying that your boat is drifting in the night. A GPS system is a small investment to make to ensure that your sailing is enjoyable and as trouble-free as possible.
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