While many people think that GPS Tracking Systems are about the best thing since sliced deli meat, there has been some question recently as to the effectiveness of these systems if left unmonitored. Think of it in terms of a security camera. If you install a security camera, but then no one ever watches the tape to check for unusual behavior, is the camera really doing its job? When it comes to a GPS tracking system, the same concept applies.
John Albert Gardener was a sex offender with a GPS monitor tracking his every move. After he molested a 14-year-old girl in 2000 officials knew that he was dangerous, so they took precaution to make sure that Gardener went nowhere near another young woman. And yet, he succeeded in raping and murdering two helpless teenagers in 2009. How did this happen? Obviously, this paroled felon was not under as careful supervision as officials thought.
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When young Amber Dubois was abducted near her local high school one morning, obviously, no one was looking at John Gardener’s GPS tracking system. When Chelsea King was raped and murdered no policeman was aware. It was not until after the fact that the error of insufficient GPS monitoring was caught. Would these two young women be alive today if the system had been properly utilized? While the answer may be speculation, one thing is for sure: John Albert Gardener, a dangerous sex offender, was roaming the streets without anyone knowing where he was or what he was doing. Knowing the limits of technology is crucial to protecting the community at large.
GPS tracking systems are designed to protect the public from people like Gardener. With their monitoring capabilities these systems can keep police constantly debriefed as to the location of criminals wearing trackers. No sex offender wearing one should ever have the opportunity to repeat his offense, if carefully monitored. It is only when officials undervalue the tracking system and fail to monitor it that felons have the opportunity to go undetected. Certain tracking devices set-up a "geo-fence" that when breached send off a signal or alarm to the monitoring station. This is what should have been in place in this situation.
Statistics say that 1 in 4 women will be sexually assaulted in their lifetime. That’s one in every six American women who will live the rest of their lives with an emotional scar. And what about the young women, like Amber Dubois and Chelsea King, whose lives tragically end after a rape? It’s time to take action against sexual offenders and utilize GPS tracking to the fullest extent of its ability. It’s time to take monitoring seriously.
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