Saturday, June 29, 2013

Skobbler GPS Navigation & Maps App Now On Android

The key feature of Skobbler’s GPS app is the offline mapping and navigation capabilities. There is no shortage of smartphone navigation apps on the market for iOS, Android, Windows or any other system. However, up until recently, if you wanted solid offline mapping and navigation, your best hope was with an iOS device. For Android and other non-Apple smartphone and tablet users, this was a bit of a drag. Now, Android users can purchase Skobbler for their smartphones for just $1.

Skobbler’s designers have no shortage of confidence in their product. They’ve been quoted calling their work the “most powerful and versatile digital map engine in the world.” For $1 users get the full online mapping and navigation service and one free downloaded map of the country of your choice. With the downloaded map, users can disconnect from the internet and the app uses the smartphone’s built-in GPS technology to provide directions.

“Being the first and only company on the Android platform to offer full online and offline capability for both mapping and navigation, we hope both new users and our existing customers will be won over by the high performance and flexibility GPS Navigation & Maps offers,” explains Philipp Kandal, Skobbler’s CTO. “We’re already working on future updates and have a few powerful additions lined up to improve the app’s functionality and flexibility even further in the coming months.” 

Skobbler is offering a free 14-day trail version of their app for consumers to get a feel for the product before committing $1. After the free country map that comes with the app, users can buy additional maps from around the world. Each city costs $0.99. A state costs $1.11 and a country is $2.22. Users can buy another continent for $4.44 or get the entire globe for $7.77.

Skobbler GPS Navigation & Maps App Now On Android

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