Saturday, October 12, 2013

GPS Technology an Asset in Cell Phone Theft Cases

GPS technology is being used more and more to track down criminals who have stolen cell phones. One such case occurred in July 2013 in Missouri, where a citizen awoke to find that his home had been burgled. Both cash and a smartphone were missing from the homeowner’s kitchen.

PoliceChaseAfter filing a police report, the victim activated the phone’s GPS app. Law enforcement agents were then able to trace the phone to a home where the alleged thief was hiding in the attic. They discovered not only the stolen phone but also a stolen gun and illegal drug paraphernalia. In addition, they learned that the alleged perpetrator had recently been released from prison and was wanted for assault.

Clearly, a phone’s GPS technology can be a great asset to law enforcement and can promote safety in society as a whole.

If you have a cell phone that comes with GPS technology, what should you do to protect your investment?

First, you should download one of the many apps that will allow you to access the phone’s GPS capabilities in case it’s lost or stolen. These GPS apps generally allow you not only to locate the phone, but also to deactivate it.

Second, as soon as your phone is missing, if you’re reasonably sure it has been stolen, inform the police. The sooner they’re aware of the problem, the more likely you are to recover your property.

Third, be sure you notify your carrier. What cell phone companies can and will do in such case varies depending on the company and the circumstances surrounding the phone’s disappearance, but you need to know what your options are. Carriers can often disable the phone remotely. And you may be able to request that they begin a formal investigation of the theft immediately.

You should also encrypt your phone—that is, set it up so it requires you to enter a password or PIN each time it’s turned on.

In summary, GPS technology and GPS apps are great tools for potentially retrieving a stolen phone. But they aren’t the only tools you can use to increase the likelihood of getting your cell phone back.

GPS Technology an Asset in Cell Phone Theft Cases

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