Thursday, July 29, 2010

Traditional GPS Tracking is a Better Long Term Solution

(My Original Blog Post:
Although cell phone GPS trackers are not as accurate as traditional GPS trackers, they can still be used to catch thieves as one teenager in Seaholm, England discovered recently.
Cell phone GPS tracking devices have a few faults other than their lack of accuracy. The GPS tracker runs off the same battery as everything else on the phone. With today’s high-tech phones that can do everything except cook your food for you, batteries do not always last long. Having a short battery life can make it impossible to track anything with a cell phone GPS tracker. On the other hand, traditional GPS tracking systems don’t perform multiple functions. They just track. They track location, speed, and direction of travel and send all this information to a satellite. The simplicity of these tracking devices makes them more reliable than cell phone trackers, because their batteries can be trusted. Another problem with cell phone GPS trackers is that they rely on cell phone towers for service. Everyone knows that cell phone service is not the easiest thing to find, and it always happens that you lose service just when you need it most. Traditional GPS trackers don’t use cell phone towers. Instead, they send their information to satellites in space, making them much more consistent.
But cell phone trackers can still be useful. Jacob Rothenberg, a high school freshman from Seaholm, England used his cell phone GPS tracker to locate his cell phone and iPod after they were stolen from his locker one day at school. The teen’s family cell phone plan included the Sprint family locator, which easily led him to a house address. Jacob then called his mother and she confronted the thief, another teenager from the same high school.
Since Jacob was able to use GPS technology to locate his missing cell phone, the local law enforcement officials were able to locate various items that had been stolen from three other lockers that same day at school. Unfortunately, some of the stolen items had already been sold at a pawn shop, but many of the items were returned, and the students whose missing items were not returned were reimbursed for their value.
Some people might find cell phone GPS trackers to be very helpful in tracking their cell phones in case they are stolen, just like Rothenberg did. Others might prefer to use the more reliable and more accurate traditional GPS tracking devices. Either way, people who choose to use GPS technology can rest assured that their valuable belongings are well-protected.
Thanks to the GPS technology on his cell phone, Jacob Rothenberg was able to locate his cell phone and iPod and bust the stealing teenager at his school in Seaholm, England. Others should consider using GPS technology to protect their valuable electronics as well.

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