Thursday, July 22, 2010

Why Choose GPS Tracking in Addition to Other Devices?

(My Original Blog Post:
With all the technological gadgets on the rise these days, few carry as many benefits as a GPS tracking device. Maybe you can get on the internet, post tweets, update your Facebook status, and take pictures with your cell phone, and maybe your phone even has limited GPS tracking capabilities. Why should you further invest in another technological device?


1. Tracking devices can be hard-wired to your car and run all the time! No need to power it back up. But if you do like the portability of a device than a real GPS tracking device has batteries that last up to 90 days—far and beyond the life of your cell phone batteries. Most cell phone batteries must be recharged every other day. 90 days is a full three months, and the extra battery life can actually make a life and death difference for those that find themselves in an emergency situation.

2. The way the GPS satellite system works allows you to download information fast and the variety of information available is astounding. A series of 24 satellites orbiting in outer space work in groups of three to track the latitude and longitude of the receiver on earth, providing real-time data as to the location of the vehicle, individual, dog, etc. Between the active (real-time information) and passive (historical logs of what actually occurred) tracking systems, you can download the information to the internet or a mobile device and receive notifications when a geofence boundary is crossed or when speeding occurs in the vehicle. Again, cell phone data downloads are chargeable and expensive. Typical gps trackers do not incur those costs.

3. Types of information available through most GPS systems include speed and route (why was your teenage driver speeding and why were they in that section of town? Why did your employee stop for ice cream on the way back from that delivery across town?), geofencing capabilities (preset boundaries and receive notification when your loved one with Alzheimer’s wanders away), and historical logs (are your fleet drivers taking the most efficient routes? Do you have doubts about your spouse’s fidelity?). These are just a few GPS tracking features available on most models today, and there will be others as the technology continues to advance.

4. You can use tracking devices for more than just vehicles and individuals. You can keep track of your pets, packages that you mail, luggage that you take on the airplane, geocaching activities, extra security on hiking trips, children walking home after school…the possibilities are endless. In other words, GPS tracking devices go places your cell phone does not!

5. No regrets. You will never regret the investment in a GPS tracking device if someone you love becomes involved in an accident, if an aging loved one wanders away, or if someone attempts to abduct your child. The knowledge that you could have prevented tragedy can stay with you for the rest of your life. Having no regrets is reason enough to invest in a GPS tracking device for your safety.

(Article by Greg Bartlett for Rocky Mountain Tracking, Inc.)

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