When it comes to moving violations, most people do not realize that they have specific things that they can do to avoid the fines and points that are placed on their licenses after they are convicted of the offenses. Here are four things that you must know which will help you avoid having to pay exorbitant fines that come with most traffic infractions.
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Find out about Maintenance on Radar Units
Radar units are sensitive pieces of electronic equipment that are susceptible to heat and cold. The changes in temperature for any and all electronic devices can cause inconsistency in their operations. When it comes to accuracy, the manufacturers of these devices have a maintenance schedule to which these units must be held to make sure they are functioning correctly. When you get a ticket, you need to know whether or not the unit in question has been maintained properly. If not, it is grounds to have your ticket thrown out of court.
But, there is an even more effective way of disputing a ticket with a GPS Tracking device. You can use the history of these devices to tell you whether or not you were in compliance with speed limits. If not, pay the ticket and go on. If your reading differs from that of the unit that clocked your speed, you have a right to go to court and present evidence which can have the ticket thrown out.
Recognize that Police make Mistakes
When the police officer tracked your speed with a radar unit, were you in traffic or alone on the road? If there are other vehicles around, who is to say that you were the one speeding? Did he maintain visual contact with your vehicle after he clocked your speed? If not, then how does he know it was you that he tracked? Was the reading on his radar unit for your vehicle or one that he tracked earlier and gave a ticket to? Police officers are not infallible and you need to make sure that they have the right vehicle and that the speed was indeed what they said it was.
GPS Tracking can help you by providing evidence of where you were on the day that you were given a ticket.
Locate Speed Traps
Everyone knows that there are certain speed traps that you must either avoid or slow down when approaching throughout your community. Local police set up in familiar locations from time to time when they realize that they do not have enough money coming in to the coffers to meet operating expenses. This should be illegal, but it isn't. GPS Tracking units can help here, once again, in providing evidence of your innocence or guilt after you are cited for a moving violation.
Use Your Rights
Since moving violations are so expensive, there is merit to fighting them in order to keep the points off of your license. You have rights as a citizen in making sure that the charges against you are valid. And you can request a jury trial if necessary. But mostly that is not needed. Just having your 'trusty' GPS Tracking device can help you avoid these problems.
Also, make sure that you do your best to obey posted speed limits and other laws governing drivers actions. Chances are, you will not have get any tickets, but in case you do, better be safe than sorry that you didn't have a GPS Tracking device to help you.
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