Tuesday, November 12, 2013

GPS Tagging to Help Police and Offenders

Some offenders of certain crimes have been wearing locators for years to help police make sure they don’t leave their home without permission. Police in Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom, are ready to use a new, advanced GPS tag on offenders that will be able to track them wherever they may go. Police and Crime Commissioner Paddy Tipping spent a week wearing the new tag to put its effectiveness on display. UK courts are allowing this new device, which should have many benefits, and not just to police.

iPhones Help PoliceBenefits to Police

Obviously, GPS tracking tags help police do their job more effectively. While keeping tabs on paroled offenders has historically been a tedious effort, GPS tagging takes the guesswork out of their job. Now, police can simply use the GPS tracking technology to keep tabs on offenders to make sure they are not where they are not supposed to be, but also to know better where they are going in general. This can also help police to eliminate some suspects because they can know if they were at the scene of a crime or not

Benefits to Offenders

While it might not seem to be beneficial to wear an anklet all day, every day, offenders will also benefit from this plan. It is a powerful crime deterrent to know that police are able to watch your every move. It’s one thing to tell someone not to go places that can get them in trouble, but it is another thing to be able to know for certain whether they obeyed. There is also the benefit that this will help some offenders maintain their innocence if they can be shown to have not been in a certain area when a crime was committed.

Benefits to Society

The bottom line is that this is good for society. If police are using their resources to prevent future crimes instead of tracking the whereabouts of former criminals, they can be more effective. If former offenders are kept from going places that will cause more trouble, that will also make society safer.

While there are some inconveniences in wearing GPS tags for former offenders, there are so many more benefits to the rest of society. While this help police a great deal, offenders will also receive benefits. This is really a win-win situation.

GPS Tagging to Help Police and Offenders

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