Saturday, November 16, 2013

How to Keep your Haul Secure

One of the worst feelings in the world is to have something stolen from you. One minute you have it and the next minute you don’t. After you have that momentary dread, one of the best feelings you can have is to have it all returned to you. That’s the feeling that was felt recently in Clarksville, Tennessee, when a truck hauling almost $140,000 worth of steel was found thanks to a GPS tracking device that led police right to the stolen vehicle.

auto-theft-broken-glassGPS for Security

A GPS device installed on a vehicle can lead to a higher level of security. No one can ever know when they might be the victim of a theft. A moment is all a criminal needs. While it is practically impossible to prevent every attempted burglary, having the right equipment pre-installed on your vehicle can save the headache of trying to get it back. GPS devices come in many forms and brands, but once they are installed in your vehicle, getting it back is the easy part. Police can only do so much, but GPS devices can help bridge the gap between what the police know about criminals, and what the GPS technology can tell them about where the criminals are.

GPS for Business

A GPS device installed on your company vehicle can lead to a better chance for profit. Insurance only covers so much and the problem with insurance is that you always have to pay more for it whenever you need to use it. Why not stop the extra payments by equipping your fleet with GPS devices? The cost you incur by purchasing and maintaining the GPS devices will be repaid in finding lost equipment and also from the deterrent that can exist when someone knows that they might be tracked. Obviously, a trucking company can buy a lot of GPS devices with the savings from this thwarted theft.

GPS for Common Sense

A GPS device installed on your vehicles is only a practical thing. While it may seem odd to prepare for the possibility of having your merchandise stolen, It can be to your benefit if even one vehicle is returned to you. While the cargo was the most expensive item in the Clarksville case, the truck and trailer by itself were valued at over $50,000. Once it was gone, if not for the GPS device, it would have stayed gone. It would be extremely difficult to track the missing steel, and the vehicle would most likely have been chopped up for parts.

As a business or for an individual, there is little excuse to not equip your vehicle with GPS. The cost of the technology is low compared to the value of what is being protected: your peace of mind.

How to Keep your Haul Secure

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