Thursday, November 21, 2013

Tiny Telit: GPS Technology Downsizing

With the release of the smallest GPS receiver yet, GPS technology downsizing continues to amaze the world, presenting endless opportunities to developers as engineers solve enigmas that no one would have dreamed up a century ago. As major worldwide companies combine their efforts to offer GPS technology in a form that is affordable and applicable in countless contexts, the current receiver antenna, measuring less than 40 mm across, opens even more doors for the creative innovators exploring all the possibilities within a GPS technology directed world.

satellitegpsRetrofit Solution

According to new releases about the RAS 1575, the ability to retrofit a variety of GPS tracking systems are among the outstanding feature of this tiny new device. With the continual advances in GPS technology, updating remains a significant concern for those who are already dependent upon GPS direction and tracking for daily tasks and routines. Large systems, including those currently controlling significant traffic, can now receive the benefits of the latest as the tiny technology retrofits and updates.

Mobile Power

Since tiny usually means take-with-you, the latest also incorporates flexible, mobile powering. Powerful GPS technology now powered by USB connection expands the use and application of the technology to keep up with the expanding GPS market and the exploding mobile lifestyles of modern technology. Especially compatible with GPS devices developed to be worn or held, this latest in compact GPS technology has potential for markets spanning all the ranges of GPS uses. Embedding possibilities related to this new release are also found on the table of discussion as the antenna performs with pleasing results to manufacturers of many different products.

Stability Increase

Laura Burns, who heads a division of the business unit at Hirschmann Car Company, the manufacturer working with Telit on this new device, reports impressive improvement to the stability and accuracy of this newest GPS technology receiver. Applying experience from the past twenty years, according to Dominikus Hierl from Telit Wireless Solutions, this device signifies just the beginning of what both companies plan to continue to offer consumers interested in all types of GPS technology development.

Tiny Telit: GPS Technology Downsizing

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